Wednesday, November 16, 2011

On Newness and An Old Familiar Rhythm

I reap great enjoyment from trying new activities and going to new places, and I reap great enjoyment from doing things that are part of my good ol' familiar rhythm. In Denver, I had gotten stuck into only doing things that feel into part of my normal routine. I had lost balance between the same and the new. It takes more energy to seek out the new than it does to walk down the path of the familiar, and sometimes, at the end of a busy work week, all I wanted to do was head up to my condo in the mountains and ski. Without a single complaint, I can report that I skied and biked a ton of days last year. However, I did just that: skied and biked a ton of day. Where was the newness? There was none.

As I am always striving to better myself, a new part of my effort will be to remind myself that although it takes energy to seek out newness, the input is always almost less than the benefits that are output, and thus even though at the end of a busy week I understandably tend to do the same old same old, I need to muster up a little more energy to seek out the new and in doing so ensure that I don't let a place become stale or uninteresting.

In the future, I'll continue to do the things I love, but I'll seek out new places to ski, new routes to bike, and in doing so keep my surroundings fresh and exciting.

I am coming to realize the sense of staleness I felt in Denver, in largess, was due to my lack of seeking out the new.

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