Saturday, August 6, 2011

El Charrito

I'll be honest, every time I plan some sort of event (and this may actually be why I don't do it that often) I have this small fear that no one will show up. I don't know why, but I guess it's just one of my insecurities. So, as I found myself clicking "create" on the Facebook event, I was a bit nervous.

In the worst case scenario, I imagined no one would show up. In the best case, I figured a whole grip of people would show up.

However, when I walked into El Charrito and Matt Orin, the guy who co-owns El Charrito and who also used to work at my old school, The Contemporary Learning Academy, greeted me with a hug, all my concern drained away. (As a side note, Matt handed me a small bracelet made of wooden beads and told me that someone who had arrived promptly at 8:30 and then left, had asked him to give me the gift. Based on Matt's description, I thought I knew who gave me the bracelet, but as it turns out I was mistaken, so if you are the one who gave it to me, please let me know because I owe you some thanks.)

After pocketing the bracelet, my good buddy Justin bought me the first of the many drinks I consumed that night, and people just kept pouring in the door. Some of the folks who came out are people I see on a weekly basis, and others I haven't seen in months. Some I have known for years, and other I have just recently met. But from the people I see often to those who are more rare treats, the common thread that tied everyone together is that everyone, and I do mean everyone, is a high quality, inspiring, formative and important person in my life. I've come to realize that every person I get to know has a place in my heart, and by virtue of that fact, every person I have ever gotten to know is also someone about whom I really care.

So, in more simple terms, last night was so special because so many people that I care about were there for one last hoorah, and in turn that made me feel cared about.

That is the best going away "gift" anyone could possibly request.

Suffice to say, I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support I felt from from everyone who came to El Charrito last night. You all made saying goodbye to Denver worlds easier, because you gave me one last chance to say goodbye to all of you.

So, thank you all, and I will miss everyone dearly.

I said this last night, but I will put it in writing now. If anyone wants to come over to South Korea, please consider this an open invitation to crash at my place. At this point, I don't even know if I'll have a couch to let you crash on, but frankly, if you shlep all the way to SoKo, you can sleep in my bed, and I'll crash on the floor.


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